Using Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements about yourself and are used to challenge negative beliefs that you may be holding onto. They are a great way to improve the way that you feel about yourself, increase your motivation and help you accomplish your goals.

Here are some key points with them:

Say them out loud - I will actually read them to myself first and then say them out loud the second time. Have energy and enthusiasm when you are saying them.
Use present tense - The subconscious lives in the now. Phrase them such as “I am motivated” rather than “I am becoming motivated.”
Keep them positive - Use statements such as “I am calm” instead of “I am not nervous.” Your subconscious will not hear the ‘not’ part and will only focus on nervous.
Use them daily - These are great to use in the morning as part of a morning routine. Be consistent with using them. In order to do this put them somewhere that you will easily see them.
Invoke passion - When you read them you should feel something. If it doesn’t spark positive emotion then potentially change the wording or use a different affirmations.

Here are the affirmations that I am currently using:
I am enough; I matter; I am significant; I have something to offer the world; I am here for a purpose; the world that created me put me here for a reason and it will support me everyday as I move toward my vision and my vision moves toward me; I am lovable; what I want, wants me; what I am moving towards is moving towards me like a magnet; I will find love; I am monetizing my coaching business.

I encourage you to create your own affirmations and incorporate them into your morning routine. With consistent use they can make a major difference in your life!


Smile More :)


Prioritizing Sleep