Gratitude is appreciating all the different areas of our life. It is being thankful for what we do have rather than worrying about what we don’t have. The opposite of gratitude is taking things for granted or feeling that we are entitled.
Shifting our mindset towards gratitude will change our whole life. It will make us happier, more positive, optimistic and resilient.
The great thing about gratitude is that it is easy to do and that it doesn’t take much time.
4 ways to practice gratitude:
Write in your journal 3 or more things that you are grateful for in the morning or night.
Gratitude with your family - have each person say one item that they are grateful for before eating dinner.
Gratitude with your partner - each person says something they are grateful for about the other person before bed.
When you are upset, think of 3 things that you are grateful for in that moment.