Culture Through Leadership

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Focusing On What Matters Most

One of the key concepts of productivity is to spend most of your time on what matters most. And this is absolutely true!

The main thing though is how do you do this?

Here is a 2-step process to make this a reality for you.

1. Identify your needle-moving activities (NMA) - This is something that I got from Brendon Burchard. It is to identify the 3-6 things that drive your business forward. If you aren't crystal clear on what these are then take 5 or 10 minutes today to think about and write these down. Three points with this.

  • Evaluate these quarterly. They will change as your job and priorities change.

  • Spend at least 75% of your time on these. Use your schedule to see if you are spending enough time on them. One strategy is to color code your calendar with the needle-moving activities being a certain color. This will make it easier to see if this is happening.

  • Identify something that is not a NMA that you are spending a lot of time on and see how you can spend less on it. 

2. Have daily most important tasks (MIT) - Each day identify 1 or 2 tasks that are your most important tasks for that day. These are things that you want to complete in order for it to be a productive day. If you can't finish it in a day then decide how much of it you will be able to do or break it down into smaller parts. Oftentimes, these most important tasks will be one of your needle-moving activities. There will be days though where it may just be a one-time task that is essential for you to get done. At the end of the day, you will know what you did or didn't get done. Two points with this:

  • Make sure that when you are evaluating your schedule that you have enough time for these MIT.

  • You can do additional activities outside of these MIT. Just make sure that you prioritize these MIT.

By consistently implementing these two steps you will notice a significant impact on your job performance! The key is to make these part of your work habits.