Your Personal Core Values

We often think of core values in terms of businesses. Most companies have these and the successful ones use them to drive their company culture and decision making. 

Why not have your own personal core values??

Core values help you:

  1. Gain clarity on who you are and what truly matters to you. They are a piece of your identity and what you stand for.

  2. Help you make major life decisions. Ask yourself, is this decision that I am about to make in alignment with my core values?

  3. Make sure that you are being the person that you want to be. If you have been a jerk at work or at home and one of your core values is kindness then something needs to change! It is a great reminder of the person that you aspire to be.

Establishing your own core values simply requires some introspection on who you are and what you stand for. I recommend choosing between 3-7. Make sure to write these down and put them somewhere that you will see them often. These values can change as you grow and move through life.

My personal core values are:

Take some time this week to think about what yours are.


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