Culture Through Leadership

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Use RAISE to Motivate Your Team

Keeping employees motivated and engaged is one of the major challenges within leadership. 

A Gallop poll found that less than one-third of US employees are engaged in their jobs. This is a striking number! Luckily, it doesn't have to be this way. With effective strategies, you can raise their level of motivation and engagement.

I developed the RAISE acronym to help you increase your team motivation.

Relationships - In order to motivate your team, you first need to get to know your team members and build meaningful relationships. In this, you need to show them that you care about them and also get to know how they work best. Focus on building a relationship of trust and respect.

Appreciation - One of the best ways to motivate people is to acknowledge them when they have done something well. This can be recognizing their effort or the quality of their work. Find out how they liked to be appreciated such as in public or private.

Involve - This is about giving the person a voice and making them feel like a valued part of the organization. Ask their opinion on important issues and keep them updated on what the company is doing and where it is headed.

Standards - Create standards for the quality of work and how we interact with each other. This way you aren't constantly motivating people (which will have highs and lows) but instead, you are holding people accountable to the standard. It is a good thing to have high standards as long as they are communicated and support is available. 

Empower - Empower others by allowing them to make decisions and lead projects. Let them know that you believe in them and are there to provide feedback and assistance. This is a great way to build someone's confidence and leadership skills. 

By using these five strategies you will build a more motivated and high-performing team. Remember it is not just about doing these once. Be consistent with how you implement each of these.