Staying Motivated as a Leader

A common thing that leaders struggle with is keeping a high level of motivation. This is normal and something that I will often hear from people in my coaching work.

Although it is normal it can still be frustrating and you may feel like you don’t want your team to see it.

The key is to have strategies that work for you to keep you driven. Everyone is different and what motivates one person may not motivate someone else.

Here are seven strategies that may work for you:

*Know and review your why - Being a purpose-driven leader is a great way to keep a high level of motivation. Find your purpose within your work and constantly be reminding yourself of it.

*Use visuals - This is something that I am big on. Right in front of my desk, I have a sign that says, “Keep Choosing Joy.” I have other positive affirmations in my bedroom, on my computer, and in my notebook. Be intentional about filling your mind with things that bring you positivity and motivation. You may want to put your purpose somewhere that you can see it as well!

*Surround yourself with motivated and positive people - Who you spend time with dramatically affects your motivation. This may be seeking out other leaders or professionals, finding a mentor, or getting a coach.

*Set a new goal - If you are a goal-driven person this can be an excellent way to get you going. Set something that excites you and is challenging and realistic.

*Find a new challenge at work - This may be taking on a new project or doing something you have not done before.

*Prioritize self-care - Four things that you can do for this are physical activity, nutrition, getting enough sleep, and performing hobbies.

*Take time off - You may simply need some time to clear your mind and relax. This may be taking a half-day or a week's vacation. Allow yourself to take this time to detach from your work and be present with whatever you are doing.

One final thought is to show yourself grace. Motivation will vary from time to time. Instead of beating yourself up over it, see what it is telling you and incorporate a strategy that works for you!


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