Culture Through Leadership

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Reacting vs Leading

Oftentimes as a leader when things get busy we get into reactionary mode. This becomes:

  • Going from one task to the next

  • Putting out fires

  • Feeling like you are always behind and there isn't enough time in the day

Instead, as a leader, you want to get your eyes up and see the bigger picture. Be able to plan and do activities that will move your team and business forward. When you do this you can look for new opportunities and directions. You can also make adjustments and put systems in place to prevent problems from occurring. 

Here are five strategies to move from reacting to leading.

*Have a clear vision and plan for the desired outcome and where you want to lead the team. Keep your destination in mind daily and when you are making decisions. Be willing to adjust this plan as needed.

*Optimize your scheduling. If you are reactive it means that you are being dictated by your schedule. Instead, you want to be intentional about how you are spending your time and making sure it is on what matters most (needle-moving activities). 

*Automate, delegate, eliminate. When you can reduce the number of tasks that you have to do it allows you to see the bigger picture and lead. Ask yourself is this a task that I can automate? If not, then is this a task that I can delegate? If you can't automate or delegate then see if is a task that needs to be done or it can be eliminated. 

*Be willing to say no. If someone, asks you to do something you need to make sure it is in alignment with your vision and purpose. Avoid saying yes just because you don't want to hurt the person's feelings. Saying no allows you more space to take on things that truly matter. 

*Take time for strategic planning and reflecting. This is a great thing to put in your weekly schedule. When you notice you are in reactionary mode then this is essential to help you get out of it. Put one hour on your schedule where you are going to plan and re-evaluate. Make this a top priority for your schedule on that day and use the full-time. 

When you move from reacting to leading it allows you to impact on a much greater level. You will also have more energy throughout the day as you feel a sense of control over your life!