Culture Through Leadership

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Preventing Burnout

A serious issue for people today is burnout. With the holiday season approaching this is even more of a concern. A Deloitte study found that 77% of people have experienced burnout at their current job. defines burnout as a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. According to psychologist Christina Maslach, there are three main components. These are exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficiency.

Burnout can lead to serious consequences for your physical and mental health as well as a decrease in work performance.

There are strategies that you can implement to help you prevent burnout. These include:

*Taking time for yourself - Allow yourself to take time off to do hobbies and to have downtime. Putting this on your schedule can be helpful for this if you are struggling to create it.

*Focus on the Big 3 for your health - These are physical activity, nutrition, and sleep. All of these have been shown by studies to help prevent burnout.

*Practice mindfulness and meditation - This is a great way to get yourself centered and connect with the present moment. Developing a daily practice of this can greatly reduce your stress.

*Connect with others - Healthy social connection is essential for your overall well-being. Letting others know what you are experiencing can help you process and work through what you are experiencing.

*Set boundaries - Burnout can be caused by a failure to set boundaries at work. Decide what boundaries can help you stay mentally fresh and focused. Then make sure to honor those boundaries.

*Delegate - If you are in a leadership position make sure that you effectively delegating and are not putting too much on your shoulders.

Taking these steps will help you to prevent it from becoming a serious issue. If you do start to feel burnout then allow yourself to slow down and take time for self-care. You deserve it!