Culture Through Leadership

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Needle Moving Activities

One of the best things that we can do for our business is to spend more time on needle moving activities (NMA’s). These are the projects/activities that really move our business forward.

The first thing we have to do is decide what are our NMA’s? Decide on what the 2-5 most important NMA’s are for your business. These will change over time so it is necessary to review these every month. Examples of NMA’s may be sales calls, developing a new offer for the company, a project with an important client, doing market research, etc.

Ideally you want to be spending 75-80% of your time working on your NMA’s. Many of us are spending less than 50% of our time on them. The best way to make this change is through scheduling and blocking out time to work on them. For example from 1-3 each day I am going to be working on the development of our new project. Then make sure to limit any distractions and put your full attention to this activity.

Spending more time on NMA’s is something that I am working on myself. When I have been intentional about focusing on this, it has made a massive difference for me. I am confident that it will help you as well!