Focus On Your Strengths

One thing that I have been reminded of a lot lately is the importance of focusing on your strengths. To put your energy and effort into working on the things that you do really well and to get even better in this area. 

In the book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks, he talks about your Zone of Genius. This is what you are best at and what you love to do. The goal is to live in this area. To spend most of your time doing these activities. 

You may be thinking that this is easier said than done. That you have to do a lot of things that you may not love or aren’t good at. 

The goal though is to work towards this. Start to think about how you can automate, delegate, or eliminate things that you aren’t good at or that don’t bring you joy. Ask yourself questions such as:

  • Is there someone that I can do this job as good or better than me that I can delegate to? 

  • Is this job necessary for me to complete?

  • Can I spend less time on this activity so that I can put my time into what I am best at? 

  • How can I adjust my schedule to spend more time on what I am best at?

Fellow coach, Theresa Bassett reminded me that the world recognizes specialists. 

And this is very true. If you are already good at something then look for ways to get better. Become even more of an expert than you already are. This will help you develop a reputation as someone who is outstanding and a thought leader in this particular skill set.  

Oftentimes, when people go to make a change they look at their weaknesses and want to improve these. Another option is to look at your strengths and see how you can get even better at them. While both options are valuable, focusing on developing a strength may bring you more benefits.


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