Finding Your Voice as a Leader

You probably have noticed that it is often the most outgoing or confident person that will step up to lead. Whether this is in a work or social setting. Sometimes, this person may be best equipped to lead but other times someone else may be better suited.

For introverts or people that may be lacking confidence, this can be frustrating. They may feel like they want to and can lead but don't get the chance. As an introvert myself, this is something that I struggled with and had to overcome.

Here are four strategies that you can use to overcome this.

1. Find any situation in which you can take on a leadership role. For you to develop the skills and confidence then you need to put yourself in a position to lead. This may be volunteering for something at work. Or it may be joining a club such as Toastmasters and taking on a leadership role within the group. Or it may be doing community service and offering to lead a project. Find any activity that you enjoy and see if there is an opportunity to lead. Actively seek out these opportunities. There is no role too small.

2. Get out of your comfort zone. Start to take chances and do things that may scare you. This is where the growth happens! This may be raising your hand and sharing your point of view in a meeting. It may be learning a new skill such as public speaking. You can start small with this and gradually start to expand as you build momentum.

3. Do the inner work. If you are lacking confidence then it is up to you to put in the intentional work to develop it. Using strategies such as reframing your thoughts and getting rid of limiting beliefs are two great ways to develop this. Others include keeping your word to yourself, developing your skills, and using affirmations. Confidence just like any other skill can be developed.

4. Focus on leadership development. Leadership is a dynamic and challenging position. There are many different areas that you need to develop such as creating a vision, building relationships, motivating, conflict management, crisis management, showing appreciation, accountability, and others. Invest in learning through books, videos, podcasts, coaching, and more. I always encourage people to invest in themselves. Leadership development is a great one to focus on.

Having strategies is helpful but it is the implementation and taking action that makes all the difference! Decide which one of these four you want to focus on first and then take immediate action with it. With consistent action, you may find yourself growing faster as a leader than you ever expected!

I'm rooting for you!


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