Culture Through Leadership

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Creating a Culture of Presence

A major question for leaders today is how to create more mindful teams. Where employees are fully engaged in the present moment. Where they are aware of what is arising both internally and externally. A team of people that is self-aware and able to manage their emotional state. A team that can focus on a high level.

Why is this so important? The research is becoming clearer and clearer on this. Let’s take a look at 3 examples.

A scholarly article by Hyland in 2015 explains that mindfulness improves job satisfaction, helps employees manage stress, raises employee engagement, and increases their ability to manage change.

A scholarly article by Glomb in 2012 discusses how mindfulness improves relationships, empathy, response flexibility, and resilience.

Forbes Coaches Council in 2018 found that it decreased stress and improved productivity and efficiency.

So now that we see have valuable it is, let’s take a look at how to create this culture. Here are six ways:

  1. Demonstrate it and speak about it as the leader - When creating a mindful culture the leaders need to be fully bought in. When the leaders of the organization are practicing mindfulness and promoting it then employees are far more willing to do it.

  2. Meetings - Create a culture where people are fully present during meetings. They are paying attention to the topic being discussed and are eliminating distractions. This needs to be set with clear expectations and there needs to be accountability when this is not being met.

  3. Set the standard for being fully present during communication - When people are talking with each other in 1-on-1 conversations or groups they need to be giving the other people their full attention. Avoid multitasking and distractions so that you can truly listen and engage with them. This will help to cultivate more meaningful connections as well as better results.

  4. Emphasize doing one task at a time - Research has become clear that doing one task at a time will allow for higher levels of focus and productivity. Efficiently utilizing scheduling is a great way to make this come to life.

  5. Promote emotional intelligence - give employees the knowledge and skills to be able to understand and regulate their emotional health. Bring in experts and have it be reinforced at all levels of the company.

  6. Build a culture of appreciation - When you are recognizing others you are raising the level of awareness and acceptance. Find different and innovative ways to appreciate your team. And then encourage them to appreciate each other as well.

  7. Give people opportunities to practice meditation, mindfulness, and yoga - This is about backing up your words with action. It may be creating a space within your work environment for meditation or yoga. Or giving your team access to an app such as Headspace, Calm, or Insight Timer. Another way is to offer workshops or classes on meditation and yoga.

  8. Encourage self-care - Give employees access to a fitness center, have options for them to use meditation apps, promote taking breaks with movement, and provide training and resources for mental health.

Creating a mindful organization takes intentional work and planning. Bringing in an expert is an excellent way to truly transform your company culture. If this is not an option, then implementing the steps above is a great place to start.