Challenging Relationships at Work


One of the most difficult things that we have to do in our professional career is deal with challenging coworkers. This is something that I have dealt with numerous times and I am sure most of you have as well.

It is important to first have the proper perspective on it. That we all have different personalities and that sometimes our personality doesn't mesh as well with someone else's. When this is the case you don't need to be close friends with them but you do want to have a cooperative relationship where both people feel safe. Here are some keys to help improve this relationship.

**See the good them. Understand that they are doing the best that they can given the circumstance that they are in right now. Raise your own level of compassion in wanting them to be happy and successful. When we shift how we see them the relationship begins to change.

**Show an interest in them. Take time to ask them questions and get to know them. Once you find out more about them it can help you develop this compassion. Also, give them compliments when they have done something well. Taking a genuine interest in people makes them feel valued and shows them that you care.

**Set boundaries. If someone does something that violates these boundaries it is essential to let them know. Address the behavior rather than them as a person. Let them know how it makes you feel.

**Avoid gossiping. If other people are gossiping about them, take the high road and avoid partaking in it. People will trust you more when they know that you don’t talk behind others backs.

Two other key points are if this hasn't helped then focus on the positive relationships at work and limit interactions with this person. Lastly, if this relationship becomes abusive then you should contact HR.


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