Culture Through Leadership

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A Powerful Mindset Shift

One of the great things about mindset is that a small change can have huge results! This is the case when you make the right change and are consistent about it.

Let's take a look at a simple yet powerful mindset shift that you can make.

The shift is to change how you view mistakes, challenges, and setbacks. Each time one of these comes up, start to view it as an OPPORTUNITY! Ask yourself this powerful question, "What is the opportunity here?"

This will take you from worrying about the problem to focusing on the solution and the next step. It will have a positive impact on your problem-solving skills and how quickly you are able to bounce back.

You may have also noticed that your challenges and mistakes have been some of your biggest life lessons. Oftentimes, these actually turned out for the best in the long run. All of these challenges though have a lesson in there somewhere. When you look for this you are truly developing a growth mindset.

Another benefit is that it prevents you from beating yourself up over a mistake. You are able to learn the lesson from it and are able to move on. This is a much healthier way to view it.

This shift of viewing mistakes, challenges, or setbacks as opportunities will start to shift your mindset in other ways as well. You will notice yourself becoming more positive and resilient as you move through your life. The key is to be intentional about viewing them as opportunities and to have an awareness to put this into practice when the situation arises.