Culture Through Leadership

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8 Ways to Effectively Manage Up

One of the most common questions that I get is, “How do I manage up?”

First, let’s get clear on what ‘managing up’ means. I define it as forming genuine and productive relationships with your supervisors. This may be an employee with a manager or a manager with a VP/C-Suite Executive. 

Why do you need to learn the skill of managing up? 

The first reason is that it will dramatically affect your work-life quality. If you have a strong relationship with your boss then your happiness, confidence, and work performance will be increased. The second major reason is that it is crucial for career advancement. The recommendation of your supervisor may be the deciding factor in whether you get a promotion or a new job. 

Let’s take a look at what managing up isn’t. Managing up isn’t “sucking up” or being a “yes man.” It is also not about manipulation. Instead, it is about forming a genuine relationship that is based on trust and respect.

Here are 8 strategies to effectively manage up.

  1. Get to know your supervisor - Find out about them as a person and as a professional. What are their interests? What is important to them? What is their vision for the team? What do they value in an employee? What are their goals? 

  2. Show them that you care - Remember that they are human beings that have feelings as well. Conveying that you care about their well-being and want them to be happy and successful goes a long way. 

  3. Consistent communication - Find out how they prefer to communicate and make sure that there is frequent communication. In your communication with them be present and relaxed. One of the biggest mistakes people make is putting them up on a pedestal and getting nervous when talking with a supervisor.

  4. Provide honest feedback - Be open and honest when giving them feedback. Make sure that you have positive intentions and are articulating this in a respectful way.

  5. Be reliable - Managers want someone that is reliable and does high-quality work. When you are doing this then you are making their life a lot easier. 

  6. Let them know your goals - It is important to let your supervisor know what your aspirations are. This way when opportunities arise that meet these, they will be thinking of you.

  7. Be willing to help out - If you see that there is something that needs to be done, be willing to volunteer or ask if they need assistance. It is completely fine to do things that are outside of your job responsibilities if you have the bandwidth. 

  8. Raise your emotional intelligence - A lot of the strategies mentioned above come down to emotional intelligence. If you have emotional self-awareness and recognize how others are feeling then you can appropriately handle the situation.

Managing up is something that takes intentional work. Using the strategies above and coming at it with the mindset that you are building a healthy relationship will allow you to be successful.