6 Ways to Make People Feel Special

One thing that I often see from exceptional leaders is that they make the people around them feel special. They do this by making others feel valued and important. And who doesn’t want to feel valued and important?

How do these dynamic leaders achieve this? It is not because they were blessed with being unusually charismatic. It is because they use specific strategies as a part of their leadership style. 

Here are six strategies to make others feel special:

  1. Be fully present with people - If you want to make someone feel valued, then give them your full attention. Ask them questions and show an interest in them. Then truly listen to what they have to say. Pay attention to their vocal quality and body language to pick up on the meaning behind their words. 

  2. Show appreciation - These dynamic leaders are intentional about showing appreciation in a variety of ways. They are quick to give praise when someone has done a great job or put in an outstanding effort. They find out how that person likes to be appreciated and then do it wholeheartedly.

  3. Involve others - You make others feel valued by keeping them informed about what is happening and getting their input. If there is a big decision coming up, simply by asking someone’s opinion you are showing that person that you respect and value them.

  4. Empower people - Show people that you trust them by giving them the responsibility to lead projects and make decisions. 

  5. Have confidence with humility - When you are confident in who you are as a person and what you can achieve then this radiates to the people around you. People will pick up on this genuine confidence and will want to have more of it themselves. This confidence combined with the humility that you have more to learn is a winning combination.

  6. Let others know that you believe in them - These leaders say things such as, “I know that you will do a great job on this project.” Or “I know that you got this!” Or “I believe in you!” These seemingly simple comments will have a huge impact on the person’s performance and confidence.

When you combine the strategies above you become a charismatic leader that makes others want to be around and want to do a great job. By doing these, you are bringing out the best in others! And is that not what leadership is all about?


Mindful Communication


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